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YazarField, Sean
Veri Giriş Tarihi2016-08-30T09:35:53Z
Veri Onay Tarihi2016-08-30T09:35:53Z
Yayın Tarihi2012
Künye BilgisiField, Sean. Oral history, community, and displacement. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.tr_TR
Handle Bağlantısı
ÖzetThis book uses oral history methodology to record stories of people who experienced the brunt of racist forced removals in the city of Cape Town, South Africa. Through life stories and community case studies, it traces the human impact of this disruptive, often violent feature of apartheid's social engineering.tr_TR
Sayfa Sayısı221tr_TR
YayınlayanPalgrave Macmillantr_TR
BaşlıkOral history, community, and displacementtr_TR
Yayın TürüKitaptr_TR

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